Monday 16 August 2010

Red's Meadow south to Kiersarge Pass- aka making up the section I skipped

One of the beautiful Lakes On top of Selden Pass 1/2 Ounce crossing Evolution Creek Another Beautiful Lake The switchbacks going up Mather Pass 1/2 Ounce standing to the side of the trail to let a pack train go past ANOTHER beautiful lake! I took a bus with Half Ounce back down to finish the section we both missed. The Sierra Nevada Mountains were beautiful, a little buggy, and SUPER populated! We saw so many people hiking the John Muir Trail, but passed them quickly because we were doing high 20 mile days as opposed to mid- to low-teens. Enjoy the pictures and videos!
Top of Silver Pass
Top of Selden Pass
Top of Muir Pass
Top of Pinchot Pass
Top of Glen Pass

Sunday 8 August 2010

Mile 1730ish- Ashland, Oregon!

First town in Oregon, and I'm loving it! Ashland is a wonderful town, with a little downtown area that has a lot of different restaurants and a Shakespeare Festival. The hike from Etna has been nice as well, without too many ups and downs, and with wonderful people:) We got into Seiad Valley(which is apparently the heart of the state of Jefferson- if you don't know, look it up), and the cafe was closed, so we didn't do the 5 pound pancake challenge. I also happened to pick up some poison oak along the way, but it's not too itchy, so I haven't been too bothered by it.

Marble Mountains!

The berries are starting to ripen, I got about half a gatorade bottle full- SO tasty!

New shoes in Seiad Valley after wearing the ones in the middle for about 900 miles- they had NO tread left

It was hot in Seiad Valley- The Graduate and Max Chill hanging out at the RV Park

Thru- hiker Non-Essentials

Made it to Oregon! August 6 at about 930am

Thru-hiker Essentials?

You can still see Mt.Shasta coming out of the mist!

Monday 2 August 2010

Mile 1610- Etna, Ca

Yes, I'm still in California! Almost to the border of Oregon, though- only 90 more miles! Here are some pictures from the beauty of northern California, I don't understand at all how people get bored through this area. Also, thank you to Max Chill's parents as well as the Muppets who thru-hiked last year, and their lovely Owl researching friends for the trail magic!

We've had good views of Mt. Shasta for a good week, it's been lovely to see it from every angle at different times of the day

Max Chill going down into Subway Cave, near Old Station

Hikers don't listen very well....especially when the construction workers aren't around...

Mt Shasta! behind some other mountains...

Sunrise at Bull Lake

Little Engine and Plain Slice hiking down the trail in the Trinity Alps

View down toward one of the lakes we walked around- this is right near Etna Summit

Max Chill walking over snow on August 1!